Tuesday, September 27, 2011

October Unprocessed Challenge

Lately I have felt like I need to have a reset.  I have realized that over the summer I have been lazy with my cooking and eating and have often settled for over-processed and less than nutritious options simply because they are easy.  With the fall upon us and so many delicious options, I have decided to changes this behavior stat.

I was pleased to hear about the October Unprocessed Challenge 2011 over on Eating Rules.  Unsatisfied with the sugar and preservative laden products that we all eat, this blogger created the Challenge in 2009.  Last year, more then 415 people joined the Challenge.  Impressive.  So this year I am joining too.  I think that this is the perfect opportunity to resent my eating habits that have slipped a bit this summer.
So I know what you are thinking- no unprocessed food for 30 days?  That sounds so hard.  First, let's put this in perspective.  What classifies as unprocessed food for the Challenge.  Eating Rules provides the following definition:

Unprocessed food is any food that could be made by a person with reasonable skill in a home kitchen with readily available, whole-food ingredients.

I call it “The Kitchen Test.” If you pick up something with a label (and if it doesn’t have a label, it’s probably unprocessed), and find an ingredient you’d never use in your kitchen and couldn’t possibly make yourself from the whole form, it’s processed.

It doesn’t mean you actually have to make it yourself, it just means that for it to be considered “unprocessed” that you could, in theory, do so.

Now that doesn't sound to hard does it ?  If an entire 30 days sound like too much for you, consider a shorter amount of time.  Could you do two weeks?  No- how about 1 day a week?  Be creative.  I think even with minor changes you will see major returns.

Need an exception? Sure, no problem. Just make sure it’s a deliberate choice, not just because of a habit.  It is not about being rigid, but rather be aware of what you are eating.
So take the pledge and join me!  You can sign up for the pledge here.  Remember, this is primarily an exercise in awareness so take baby steps if you need.  Doing even just one day is better than nothing at all.  If you would like more information about what constitutes unprocessed foods, click here.

As for me, I will be starting off my 30 days with the Revitalive 3-Day Vegan Cleanse.  You may recall that I recently wrote about the Revitalive Cafe in Newburyport.  Taking their holistic approach to eating to the next level, they created this completely raw and vegan cleanse.  And the best part is, they deliver to Boston.  So I will start the Challenge on Saturday and the cleanse on Tuesday. 
Throughout the month, I will try to update how I am doing and I will most definitely be posting some delicious recipes from unprocessed foods.  So stay tuned and I you will consider joining me.


Gearing up for the Challenge Andrew over at Eating Rules is giving away a New KitchenAid food processor!  You hear me right....go enter to win here

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