Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October Unprocessed Conclusions & Vegan Ponzu

I am so glad that I did the October Unprocessed Challenge set up by Eating Rules.  I would not have thought to do this on my own because it is not very different from how I eat already, but I am glad that I did.  The Challenge made me really look at what I am putting into my body on a daily basis as well as being more conscious of the choices that I make when it comes to food.

So without getting too hokie, here are my conclusions. (Brace yourself for some enlightenment...or not so much):

  1. Being a vegan (for me) isn't just about not eating animal products.  Because of this Challenge, I am more aware of the processed foods that I eat regularly and their effect on the world around me and my body.
  2. I suck regularly blogging.  I should have known it would be too ambitious to commit to write one blog post a day.
  3. I love fall veggies!  I have a new found love of kale and man do I love all things squash.
  4. Drinking more water is hard and you have to pee a lot.  This is something that I will continually struggle with, but I promise myself to keep trying.
  5. I can survive life without coffee!  Holy Shit!  Who knew?  And, by the way, I can do this and still be a human being- even more impressive.
  6. I love salt.  It was hard to cut down on salt, but I learned to make substitutions like Braggs and Ponzu sauce (see vegan recipe below!).
  7. Eating "clean" is tough, but the benefits are amazing and I have found that I have had a lot more energy.
My take away is to try to keep eating this way as much as possible throughout the year.  In the meantime, I have a ton of recipes I didn't post from this month that are all unprocessed.  Check back in a few minutes for some yummy, clean food.
Vegan Ponzu
1 cup  tamari
¾ cup lemon juice
¼ cup white rice vinegar
Cayenne pepper to taste

Ponzu sauce generally contains bonito which is fish.  However, it is easy (and cheaper) to make vegan ponzu! This is a great substitution for adding salt to dishes as well.

Combine these in a small bowl and whisk together to integrate the ingredients thoroughly.

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